Hello Bloggers, this post begins our new format. Here's the deal, we will post a single fashion forward picture and allow you, our Fashionistas, to post a comment on the featured picture. Because we do not want to flood your mailbox daily, we will not send daily emails. Please add our website to your favorites and check us out when you need a fashion update. Here's the pic....let the blogging begin. Leather Pants....wow....we didn't see this coming. Let us know your thoughts. We've also recently noticed Ashley Olsen, Nicky Hilton, and Sarah Jessica Parker rocking this trend. What do you like or dislike about Rihanna's outfit?
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Friday, March 14, 2008
Trend Alert: Leather Pants!
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Post Comments - Fashion Martini Weekly
WOW, this chic is banging! Those black leather pants look as smooth as butter. Luv the way she's stylin the animal print bag with her solid black. She has got it going on. I really luv this look, boots and all. Will leather carry us into spring? I really didn't see this coming, but she is screaming "style". Thanks for keeping me fresh.
As always Rihanna is HOT!!! Big shot's out to ya girl cause she is always on point. Love the look however I'm not sure if this look is one everybody can pull offor even if every climate can take it. Livin down south and wearing leather pants just don't sound like a good combination. I'm starting to sweat just thinking of it. The temp here is reachin the 80's already. I personally can't imagine wearing leather pants in the spring/summer. But I have always been a fan of leather pants. They are perfect for fall and winter. Which brings me to another topic; how are you guys feeling about seasonal wear over lapping the seasons now? Such as boots in the spring! I'm sure my girl passion4fashion has a answer for this one!!! I'm just curious, cause I'm not sure I'm fully diggin' the whole concept.
Hey anonymous, you know I was thinking the same thing about the leather in the warm climate, but then I thought about the office where I work... you can wear a mink coat all year 'round its so darn cold up in there. (:--) These days you jump in your car, put on the air and roll. Get out and go into a cold building. It's even cold in the clubs. I am always on the cold, so I think that I can handle it. I never went for that summer, winter, spring, fall stuff, too much anyway, I just go with the weather that day. The seasons are overlapping anyway. You know the saying "It'll be a cold day in June........." lol.
btw, loved your post. Dig the concept, girl, go with the flow, if you can't then just imagine that you're in Alaska. lmao.
Great observation anonymous...regarding seasonal wear over lapping seasons...personally, we're a huge fan of wearing what the weather permits...We've never really been caught up in the seasonal rules...like no white after labor day..or is it before labor day???? See, we don't know what the rule is suppose to be because we never follow rules. Boots in the Spring are HOT...just not heavy boots! The material should always fit the season on clothing but shoes don't have to follow the rule. For example, you can rock suede ankle boots in the Spring.
passion4fashion, you are so on it. I must say my girl Rihanna is doing it as always! This chick got mad flavor and rock alot of cute items but for me personally I'ma go ahead and wait for the winter. I also must agree with passion4fashion, I dress for the day "any way the winds blows"
Hey All,
This is FABULOUS! Oh-My-Goodness, Tight Leather pants, I almost wasn’t ready for that, but Rihanna shoul’ rocked that. Now, everybody can’t rock that look, so for those who try, be careful. Thanks Fashion Martini for posting that new look for us to see. I personal think that is a Fabulous look, not just on Rihanna, but any nicely built woman. The entire concept was a total match, which I never would have thought of, since I didn’t know they had leather skintight pants.
Now being as FABULOUS as I am, I’m a little different then you passion4fashion and anonymous, I don’t watch the weather to see how the weather is looking that day, I dress for that Seasonal Wear, summer, winter, spring or fall, I dress appropriate but, I have been tempted to wear my cute sandals NOW!
Sorry Fashion Martini, let me give you the rules for wearing WHITE. You can Start wearing your White's Easter Day, but by Labor Day come September, you need to put those White’s back up in the closet. That gives you a little over 5 months to rock your White’s, then off they should go back in the attic.
@Fabulous: Girl, we live on two different planets. NO RULES FOR ME---But if you insist on following rules, Being as fabulous as you are, you should know that "winter" fabrics come in white. If you have a white coat, sweater, blouse, etc., I'm sure you wear it after labor day; (drawers too, lol) AND even if you do follow rules, you do know that rules change and the major fashion rule that has changed (for some time now)is the "white after labor day" rule. Surf and check it out,(ie. How Do I Look?) stay current; Stop being so rigid and learn to rock any color in any season and you will remain as FABULOUS as I know you are. Offa my soapbox now, Luv ya, girl and follow your instincts, put on those cute sandals right now if you're feeling them. What are u afraid of?
News Alert: Hollywood banned the seasonal no white rule after Labor Day years ago. I'm shocked that there are folks out there that still follow the no white rule....I guess old habits are hard to kill.
Just wondering, have you heard of the famous Hollywood ALL WHITE PARTY? The first one was scheduled AFTER LABOR DAY by Diddy!
There are those who follow rules and others who make them (Trendsetters)...however, everyone know their zone and what they are comfortable with so above all, stay true to yourself. CHEERS!
The white after and before labor day seems to bring up a few points. I'm with Fabulous, no white after labor day. However I'm with passion4fashion, there are winter whites. I think it's all about what you where,for example; I don't think white linen pants in November (or in 50 degree weather) would be wise. And to comment on trendsetters like diddy, Fashion Martini you know celebrities can do things that the "normal joe" can't do especailly with fashion. Diddy rockin white after Labor day was cool, however if I was to rock my easter dress in for Christmas you might think I'm crazy! We except celebrity trendsetting differently. They have the ability to pull things off that we can't. Even it Diddy rocked a " easter suit at Christmas then I decided to do the same at New Years people would still think I was crazy. People would not except that the same way from me! Think about it! Another good example Beyonce is hot right now, she can do whatever she want to do. Be could decided she wanted to go shopping in a swimsuit and you know people would say she was cute, but let me care my ass to the mall in a swimsuit shortly after and people would say "that bitch crazy!!" LOL!!! Just keepin it real. Point: We can't let celebrities be the gage of what we can wear. Cheers yall until next time!
The name of the game is CONFIDENCE...you can get away with anything as long as you have the confidence to back it up. If you're feeling insecure about what you have on, it will definitely show.
As we mentioned in one of our postings above, the material should always fit the season. The celebs did not say "it's cool to where white linen in the winter", what was displayed was the concept behind thinking a color is only allowed in certain seasons. It's almost funny that you have to call it winter white to think you can where it in the winter...it's still white.
We are shocked at the comment that "they" can pull things off that "we" can't. That is absolutely not true...to state that is to allude to the idea that "they" are not "us"...they are HUMANS too.
Ladies, you should have the same confidence as Beyonce or anyone else! Confidence is what got them where they are today. It you lack confidence, you can forget style altogether, because without confidence, you lack motivation and drive...and this is what's HOT. Style is a luxury; Confidence is a necessity.
You can have on the cutest, most expensive outfit in the world; if you don't have the confidence behind it... it's NOTHING. Save your money and shop K-MART.
Now anonymous, we say this to you....if you put on a swimsuit and walk through the mall and ROCK it with CONFIDENCE (put on some bad shoes, add some accessories, scarf, nice bag etc.) and you look DAMN nice in it, WE GUARANTEE you won't look like a fool. Matter of fact, you would probably get looks of envy. And we guarantee folks will walk up to you wanting to know what swim party you are on your way to or from. Now, keep in mind we say this with the assumption that the swimsuit IS STYLISH and not a mess.
We are going to dedicate today's swimwear posting to you!
Those look like "RUBBER" pants not leather! She looks great as usual, but that's some mighty thin looking leather. All in all still a hot look she is rockin.
Now on to "Fabulous". What the #&%@ are you talking about. No white after Labor Day! PLEASE!!! Everyone knows when it comes to "true" fashion there are no RULES!!! You make your own rules and rock what looks hot on your body, no matter what color. If we all followed the rules, we would all look the same. That's why we have what we call "trendsetters". Have you ever heard of "winter-white? Love ya "Faboulous", but I have to strongly disagree with you on that one.:)
Congratulations FASHION MARTINI, I love your posting and could not have said it better, or agree with you more.
@ Anonymous (the second one) -- "you know celebrities can do things that the 'normal joe' can't do especailly with fashion." I can't believe u said this!!!
Why do you think that they can pull off things that you can't?
Why? You can be as much of a trendsetter as any celebrity. Your lack of self confidence is showing. There are always going to be people who won't agree with certain styles, even when celebrities wear them, but u know what, that's on them. If you are feeling a certain style, by all means, rock it and do not, I repeat DO NOT worry about what "people" are going to accept. Guess what?--They don't have to accept what you wear, but YOU do.
ooh-- What do you think is the difference between a celebrity and a "normal joe"? Could it be that they (celebrities) don't give a ish about what people think about what they rock? Try it, "normal joe".
NO RULES IN FASHION! Some stars look a mess but that's why they are trendsetters, bold with confidence... Doing you is all U can do! Cheers~
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!! don't mistaken the comment of celebrities and "normal joe" I did not mean that I thought celebrities were special I know they are only human. And each of you know that exception ARE made for celebrities, ESPECIALLY ones who are hot. The term normal Joes refering to the everyday person whats so wrong with that? That just like saying rich and then the average everyday working person---Same difference. I apologize for stepping on anyones toes. You guys all said its your own self confidence, that makes the difference. So I'm thinking you should have thought I was not refering to any of you, obviously!!! I'm fine being considered a normal joe, I know my boundaries and that the point I'm making. I don't allow celebrities be the gage of fashion for me. I agree celebrities are trendsetters but why do you think it is that way? Society excepts things from celebrities, especially when they are hot. Just as said earlier, Beyonce can wear just about anything and millions of girls will try to mock it. For Beyonce to make a bad fashion choice, she would probably have to look crack up!!!(LOL) Let's be honest guys, celebrities get passes in fashion that we might not give the girl in the club for rockin first. It is what it is. Now I'm not saying I lack self confidence by saying that, I'm keeping it REAL. I'm just thinking if you would be honest with your self you would except that celebrity fashion has different standards. By all means fellow blogger DO YOU feel confident in DOING YOU however don't ridicule me for knowing my boundaries. Just because a celebrity did it does not mean it okay for me. That's my stand it does not have to be your stand but its MINE!!! Oh and one more thing there are rules to true fashion the first one being: " Everybody CAN'T wear everything." Until next time, CHEERS!!!
Let's not be so quick to judge.
AND AGAIN, DOING U IS ALL YOU CAN DO~ and if you can, add a lil spice to it..now that's keeping it real! Cheers fellow bloggers!
Anonymous: Oh girl, I am glad you clarified that, I think people did interpret your statement in the wrong light. We here are only sharing opinions, please don’t take any of the statements as a personal attack. Yes, there is that segment of society that makes exceptions for celebrities, I certainly wouldn’t; like you said, your own self confidence is what makes the difference. Personally, I would not set boundaries for myself. That’s me, but it also does not mean that I would wear something solely because a celebrity does, I mean I have to like it for myself. I have seen numerous celebrities make fashion faux pauxs all the time, even B. Especially with her “red carpet” mistakes (and there have been many) She gets cracked on all the time by the fashion police, but it doesn’t make or break her. You are also correct in saying that everybody can’t wear everything, (not a rule, common sense). I would hope that people don’t limit themselves to not wearing something that they CAN wear, simply because they believe it’s celebrity attire. I would say that everyone has made fashion mistakes, and I am certainly not afraid to make one; (have made them in the past and will in the future) but it’s not that serious. Not being judgmental, let’s agree to disagree: celebrities do not get a fashion pass from everyone, especially me. And you know what, I really LUV your spirit. You make blogging special. Smooches!! Oh, and on the "normal joe" comment, I'm feeling ya.
Agreeing with n2fashion, add the spice.
Oh my goodness, bloggers it is not that serious. Calm down. It's fashion either you like it or you don't. Everybody can't rock every thing. Like fashion martini said it's all about "CONFIDENCE".
Okay, first thing I'm noticing is the hott ass hair cut and the beautiful red lips. She can pull off any outfit with that!!!
nice post love reading it.
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