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Monday, March 24, 2008

And she does it again....changing up her look is what she does best!
Guess who ladies? None other than Ashlee Simpson in J Brand. This girl is definitely rocking what we consider a return to polished, ladylike dressing. We would love to hear your thoughts on the Ray-Ban sunglasses, Chanel pearls, Dolce & Gabbana bag and YSL sandals. CHEERS!


Anonymous said...

Her style is totally fabulous! We love it, love it, love it.

Check out her unique mix of timeless pieces (pearls and gold charm chain) with a trendy edge (colored sandals and oversize bag). This chic is classically trendy, naturally stylish and creatively chic....tastefully urban, beautifully fierce, and respectfully conservative.

We love her dougie! Ok, ok, ok... we just found out what dougie meant over the Easter Holidays (lol)...for those of you who still don't know, we are here to enlighten you.

Urban dictionary: The term "dougie" derives from the name of 80's early 90's Hip Hopper Doug-E- Fresh. The term "dougie" means to have a cool or hip stlye. CHEERS!

Anonymous said...

Hey Friend, guess who?

So, this is what you’ve been talking about, Way-To-Go! I’m proud of you. Now, let’s see what I can stir up, nothing much except to say, I like that look too. Those shoes, oh my God, were can I find those shoes, Diva Style has to have them.

Ashlee Simpson total wear is off the chain. But one thing, I just don’t care too much for the white necklace. I wouldn’t have put those white peals on with my look (if that was me). I would have put on some kind with black in it or something? Just my own Diva Style…

And fashion martini, Friend,
“I GOT To Get Me One Of THESE”!!!!

Anonymous said...

Love the shoes, love the bag, umm, but I don't know if I would do the pearls. However, it works for her! Fashion Martini, I love you adjectives when you described her style:-) You're on point boo!

Anonymous said...

Hey Fashion Martini,
What's a good site to get a fabulous cluthch?

Anonymous said...

@ pink blush - check out shopbop.com and pinkmascara.com clutches. You can get to both sites via their advertising links on our page to the right. Pinkmascara and Shopbop both have some really hip clutches right now (they also have straw clutches by Michael Kors and Kotur Jardine)...CHEERS!

Anonymous said...

Luv, luv, luv the shoes, especially. The bag is hot and the pearls are the freshness. They set the outfit off, gives that lil edge I be lookin for; makes that lil gold chain stand out; took that look to another level. A classy look. I ain’t really digging on Ashlee Simpson’s lil a** though, but she is WEARING dem damn jeans. Ya looking good, ‘cept for dem Ray-Ban sunglasses; kinda looks on the cheapness. (Yeah , I know they ain’t cheap, but they damn sho look it)

Hey Diva Style, ya lookin good!

It's 'bout time for me to do a roll call, I'll be back.

Anonymous said...

Hey pink blush, I told fashion martini, those pearls can fly. To me, it threw the outfit off, but I guess it’s okay if she was looking for some attention on her expensive pearls too.

Hey passion4fashion, were you from, New Orleans? Talking saying stuff like, wearing (dem) and Ya looking good (cept) for dem…LOLOLOL

Well, I didn’t like the necklace. So, what level did those pearls take it too, the bottom level. And which cliff did they fall off of, Mount Everett. And I don’t know about classy, maybe trashy is a better word for it.

It surely didn’t make the Diva Style handbook.

Anonymous said...

Love the love but I must go with the majority, the pearls are wak! ( At least with the outfit?) Like Diva style said it throws the whole outfit off!!

Thanks for the tip FM!! Cheers!!!

Anonymous said...

The shoes and the bag is on point. Wont be swinging the pearls, I dont think the pearl look is "dougie". But overall(excluding the pearls)she is representing the dougie, the dougie! Cheers~

Anonymous said...

LOVE the sandals to death!!!! Fashion Martini, u have to tell me where I can get them. The pearls are super HOT!!! very Jackie O. Ashlee has done it again! Kudos to Ashlee!!

Diva Style, what ghetto planet did u fall off of? Pearls trashy?? U have got to be kidding me? U can't get any classier than a string of pearls, wake up and smell the oyster shell.
And please tell me where I can get that handbook so I can BURN it!!

Until next time, Blog with ya later ladies.

Anonymous said...

Straight at Diva Style:

Don’t worry about where I am from, please know that I can definitely take it to the corporate level if need be. Worry about your own damn post. This is a blog, cyber space, get it? Urban phraseology accepted. I guess you would be familiar with the “bottom level”.
P.S. Mt. Everett is not a cliff.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

OMG, DIVA STYLE -- You are dumbing me down. Sorry, Correction: its MT. EVEREST