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Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Holey Jeans!

Ok, besides where has she been, Christina Milian's fashion statement in this photo sparks a couple of questions ...let us know your thoughts on (1) Do you think holey jeans are HOT? (2) If so, where and when are they appropriate to wear and (3) would you rock them with open toe shoes?


Anonymous said...

Okay, here goes!!! I think Christina Milian is fabulous. I think she has a great sense of style and she seems to always be on top of things. Now to answer your questions:
1)I don't think they're hot, but I don't think they're not hot either. I probably wouldn't rock it myself with the fear of my knees looking too boney. Now, I'm all for jeans looking a little ruff, but I don't think I'm fond of the "holey" part by the knees. However, Christina rocks hers okay.
2)Well, with a ruff pair of jeans like that, I'd probably wear them to the mall, running errands, maybe having lunch with the girls. Just a normal day you know.
3)Honestly, I don't think the shoes matter at this point. Too much thought into them damn jeans. But it looks okay to me.

Besides Christina and I are really good friends. (LOL, just kidding)!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I love Christina's style1! I think holey jeans are hot when you wear them with something cute like shown here., I'd probably wear something like that to the mall or maybe the movies, lunch.
I probably would not have put them with those shoes but now maybe i will, Since Christina looks cute in it and people tell me I look just like her all the time!(lol)

Anonymous said...

hey anonymous, i bet you do look just like her. But not more than me! LOL!!!!! By the way, I'm getting bored of looking at everyone that post as "anonymous." it's just not fun!

Anonymous said...

As Christina "cousin", she did the dam thing! Bring that holey jean look back. I'll rock it, sh*t, I already do and it's not to make a fashion statement, just the only pair of jeans I own(LOL!!!). Na, she looks hot and delivered the whole holey thing "dougie" style. Signing out as Christina "Chrissy" cousin~CHEERS~

Anonymous said...

I like Holey jeans. Recently perchased some worn holey jeans! They are perfect effortless fashion. They can be worn down and even dressed up. I do like Christina's look on this picture, and I don't think the shoes make a difference. In my opinion Christina looks to just be hanging out, going to the mall-- nothing to serious! I like this look and will probably be rocking something simular, in my new worn holey jeans LOL!!! I think Christina's cute, so pink blush and anonymous yall must be some cute girls -- looking like Christina Milian!!!

Anonymous said...

Honestly, we are not too fond of this outfit. We love the shirt (off one shoulder), scarf, and bag. Not feeling the jeans and shoes at all.

Now don't get us wrong, we do own holey jeans but we rock them with flats and we wear them long...dragging the floor in the back. We perfer a vintage look over the slice cut hole flavor...

We don't recommend both knees out, the holes should look as though they were worn into the jeans, not cut into the jeans....CHEERS to all the Christina look-a-likes!

Anonymous said...

Three words, WHAT THE HELL???

Sweetie, did you not know you had wholes in your jeans, at the knees? Pick yourself up from off the floor, that looks BAD!

Nothing FABULOUS to me about holey jeans because I can't wear them because my knees are too bad.
But she is cute!

Anonymous said...

I don't get it FashionMartini. What is the problem with open toe shoes and holey jeans???? Why would you think it is unusual? "Holes in her jeans, Hole in her shoes.... O.K."
Personally, I like the look. There is something kinda funky, (in a good way)about holes in ur jeans. Cute look.

Peace out Martini Freaks :)

Anonymous said...

I like this look on Christina. Hope she doesn't sit too long, though. Might get up and find out that they have split all around and end up with a pair of knee shorts. (now that's a look for ya) She probably is coming from the health food store; she needs her strength to rock that style. Got strength-rock that sytle!! I got strength, do you? Those shoes are hot, looks good with anything.

Shout out to all the Christina look-alikes.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@ Kellieb - Ever heard of too much...pick your holey item and be done...don't go with holes in your shoes and jeans, next you'll be going for a holey shirt...lol

On another note, a great fashion diva (Mrs. Kimora Lee Simmons) stated that it's never enough until it's too much. We'll sign off with that...CHEERS!