Welcome to a Blog all about Fashion and remember that ultimately knowing who YOU are is the TREND.... so BE YOU, not someone else!

Saturday, March 29, 2008


For those of you who have been blogging with us for a while, you will recognize that this weeks post have been centered around our Jan. Top 10 Spring 2008 Trends post. We reported rompers as one of the Spring 2008 trends and look what we see here........Mary-Kate Olsen in a Calvin Klein Collection romper. In the same post, we informed you that oversize clutches were another HOT Spring 2008 trend. What are your thoughts on Mary Kate rocking the romper and an oversized clutch from Miu Miu? Come on, tell us how you really feel about this look. CHEERS!


Anonymous said...

Fashion Martini: I come in a sullen mood today. Let me be the first (blogger that is) to express my sincere condolences to you during this time of loss of a family member. There is obviously no good time or way for someone whom you care about to die, and I am sorry and as always on these occasions, I am at a loss for words... "I’m sorry" won’t do.....sometimes there are no perfect words only thoughtful silences that whisper softly of caring.

Anonymous said...

Hey where is everyone???????????

Roll Call

Fabaluos.....where r u??
PinkBlush....where u at??
In2fashion....What's the deal??
PrettyEyes....What's poppin??
Valentine.....What's the 411??

Who else did I forget?

Boy, u ladies must have had a party this weekend. Why did'nt u invite me? LOL:)

Hate the ROMPERS!!!nuf said. lol!!!

Ok well hope to here from u ladies this week. U can't be hung over on the Fashion Martini already.

Anonymous said...

The romper is ugly and so is she! Maybe it is her hair? The romper maybe can be pulled off by somebody else.

passion4fashion:you have to be a poet because the last sentence is so real and true.

Until next time fellow blogger stay away from the romper! cheers:}

Anonymous said...

N2Fashion...you took the words from my mouth...maybe on another person the romper would work but on that crazy looking chic' it does not work...

Condolences to the family of Fashion Martini.

kellieb...I am here just have had a weekend on the run...

Covergirl...I know you hate the romper? Holler

Anonymous said...

Well, okay, I'm back. Rompers, Yuk . . . . Now, is that a hat in Mary-Kay’s hand? Girl, please don’t put it on; Or maybe u should cause that hair is greasy as hell.

@Kellib - girl where is da gang? What happened to Diva Style, and newbie “Height of Fashion”? And we got some more “dropouts”, qtpieshanney, haven’t seen her since I don’t remember when and what about “down with fashion” and “byoubeauty”, Girl, it’s just u n me. Don't forget "Anonymous" (both of them)

Oh wait I see n2fashion, Hey girl. Ya know I don’t think that any grown person could pull off da rompers. I saw Lisa Ray in a pair and she looked a hot mess, like an overgrown baby. lol
No poet, girl, just expressing a feeling I probably heard somewhere.

Anonymous said...

Hey ladies, Hate the Rompers, maybe someone else could rock it but she looks a terrible MESS. Thats all I have to say about that!!!! Peace,
P.S. been reading this blog but just decided to chime in because you ladies are a trip ...... See Ya next time!

Anonymous said...

Hey gang!! It’s CoverGirl signing in.

U r right Kellieb, I was out parting this weekend. A couple of my girlfriends came to town and we had a blast. Anyway, I have to agree with n2fashion. Don’t like the rompers, neither Mary Kate. There is just something really spooky about those twins.

Passion4fashion what’s up? U r in a somber mood. Hope u feel better.

Chat with u guys later, I have to get back to workJ

CoverGirl signing out!

“Working hard or hardly working” lol!!! I think the last one describes me.


Anonymous said...

I know ya'll tired of me logging on, but I just need to Welcome Sweetcheeks. Girl, glad you decided to chimed right in and trip with us. Happy blogging.

Anonymous said...

Welcome Sweetcheeks!!! Hope u stick around, we love to have fun here, so don't be afraid to speak ur mind.


Anonymous said...

Hey, Valentine here, looks like everytime I get a chance to peek in here, I see somebody new. What's up SWEETCHEEKS, you are not Diva Style, pullin a fast one, r ya? jus kiddin!

Oh, Fashion Martini, sorry for your loss.

I'm bout the only one who would wear those rompers, lol, NOT!!

Check ya later.

Anonymous said...

pink blush is here, kinda late, but Im here. Umm, not to fond of the romper on Mary Kate. I've seen it on others and it looks okay. I wouldn't rock it myself though!!!! Glad to see yall on here lookin for everyone. "where ya at, where ya at, where ya at????" Luv u girls :-)

Anonymous said...

Welcome Sweet Cheeks sure hope you have style as you grace us with your blogging! Welcom Welcome Welcome!!!! Cheers ladies:>)

Anonymous said...

Totally not liking "rompers"!!! I have seen them on folks, it just not cute to me at all. I was open to them when FM posted them on the top ten items for spring/summer '08. Now that I've giving them a chance I see now that they don't have a chance!

What's up Kellieb?