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Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Straw bags, shades, and scarf combo....

Speaking of in-between season clothing, due to the popularity of scarves this fall, they are now being worn year round. You will notice that stores are stocking up on light weight scarves for the Spring. And back again is STRAW BAGS!!!!! What are your thoughts on the straw bag and spring scarf combination?


Anonymous said...

We are not feeling the big straw bag but we are a sucker for straw clutches!!!! Great buy for the Spring. And OMG, we love scarves, they are so luxe. We are VERY excited about ROCKING scarves this Spring.

Not sure about the jean skirt???? Are they making their way back this Spring as well???? Haven't seen any on the Runways but you never know. Bloggers, what's the deal with jean skirts?

Anonymous said...

Ok, maybe that's not a jean skirt after all...

Anonymous said...

Well that's not a jean skirt but while were on the subject , are they in or out , I 've seen a few very short ones paired with boots , like flat caual type boots but looks kind of like it may be kind of last seasonish, what do you think fmt!

Anonymous said...

I kinda like the look! And OMG, I love straw bags for Summer. FM I would have thought for sure u guys would have been on the straw bags. They are the perfect accessory to the summer outfit. Picture it; cute colorful mini day dress, flat sandles and a cute straw bags. Now you must be selective when choosing a straw bag. Make sure it a purse and not a basket :)! (LOL)

Now on to jean skirts. I think jean skirts are classic they are alway in never out. No matter what the season you can put a great top with a jean skirt and look hot, and not to mention effortless. We all know they can be dressed up or down. Like jeans you can do so much with the jeans skirt it, from flip flop ( even though I'm not a flip flops I prefer flat sandal. What do you guys think of the flip flop?) to heels!

And lastly the scarf! Love love love the look, just can't wear them, something about all that being around my neck bothers me. I tried the whole scarf thing in the winter when FM did the post on the love quote scarfs. It to much around my neck. I know I have personal issues going on. But I do like the look and wish I could do it. I'm going to continue to work on it!

Well that's it for me fellow bloggers! FM try the straw bag, consider the jean skirt ( I know you all have at least one in your closet) and tell me later what you think! 'til next time CHEERS!!!

Anonymous said...

Reese Witherspoon – Did okay for a girl born in New Orleans
Shades = off the heezy (I’d hide from the paparazzi with those )
Scarf = banging (would wear it year round)(I like um hanging straight down on two sides)
Straw Bag = luv it, nice and big (put my extra pair of jeans in it)
Hair = good and casual (did she just jumped outta da pool?)
Jacket? = okay (like the color)
Skirt = white (hope she ain’t try’na f-n wear it after Labor Day-lol, in fact lmbao)
Legs = Dem things skinny as h*ll

Wait a minute, you Anonymous girls are gonna hafta do something bout dat or are u the same person? If not, Find a name..... got me all mixed up!!!

Anonymous said...

Passion4fashion are you saying girls from New Orleans can't dress?
What's up with that? U need to explain urself!!
Anyway, about the look. I like the big straw bag, it's a great spring look. And I would love for the jean skirt to make a comeback. That's a classic look that was rocked in the 60's, 70's and reign supreme in the 80's and we still kicked it in the 90's, so why not bring in it back in the 2000's.

Until next time, don't get too tipsy off the martini. [fashion that is :)] LOL!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

FABULOUS says, tell that second anonymous, she talks too much, and what are you talking about sweetie?
Now ‘babies’, y’all listen to me and listen good, WERE IN THE HELL ARE YOU GOING IN THAT OUTFIT????? To a Tea Party?

See that’s what you get when you invade other people’s blog. Where I’m from cupcake, we just don’t do scarf’s for the fun of it, hell, I will if I’m COLD. You go ahead on and wear your scarf, but PLEASE, not around FABULOUS….

Gone and go for the White girl preppie look, hell, all I know, y’all could be white, but what ever you may be, you do the damn thang’, I just wouldn’t. What type of shoes do you think she could be wearing with that shirt, sweater and that scarf? But I guess it wouldn’t have made it anymore Fabulous.

Well, were ever you and anyone else going in that outfit, and with that straw bag, she can go By-Her-Self.

Just One FABULOUS Thought!

Anonymous said...

CHEERS to our lovely bloggers!

@ Anonymous 1 - we believe jean skirts are making their way back in for the Spring. The trend are the shorter jean skirts....depending on the year, they flip from long to short but you should opt for the short ones this Spring

@ Anonymous 2 - the only straw bags that caught our attention this season are the Michael Kors bags....other than those....straw clutches are what we are opting for this Spring. However, we are feeling your senario with the cute spring dress etc. We tend to agree with you on the jean skirts being classic...the shorter ones more so than the long ones...the long ones kind of go in and out....FLIP FLOPS are NOT our thing at all...so not chic....well, let us be more specific...the plastic ones are a mess (ie. only made for the beach in our opinion). The more dressier ones or ok but they are definitely not at the top of our fashion "do" list.

@ Passion4Fashion - we're with you...anonymous 1 and 2 ...get you a stage name.


Anonymous said...

@ Fabulous, we are sure she is wearing wedges since they are the obvious choice with straw bags. CHEERS!

Anonymous said...

and by the way Fab, where are you from? I like your swagger.

Anonymous said...

@kellib; Girl, don't be gittin yo panties all up in a scrunch. Am I steppin on some toes here? I just meant she made it in the "wood". Ya'll neva usta have no studios down there; had to leave "the big easy" for everything ya wanted to do. Whateva.....

Anonymous said...

This blog is way to interesting!!! I love how all of the bloggers are say what they mean and mean with the say. It has so much character. Anyway, I love the strawbags, the wedges and I'm down for the jean skirt comeback!

Anonymous said...

Reese is my girl so of course, i feeling her whole idea, she is classy. Jean skirts are not in but I am more than sure, someone will rock them and rock them well. I am wit you anonymous(2) I'm loving the whole look. Oh, I like flip flops with all kinds of stones and sparkly stuff. ~Cheers~