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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Tory Burch Swimwear

We are dedicating today's posting to one of our bloggers who feel that Beyonce can get away with wearing swimwear to the mall but "we" can't. Let us know your thoughts.
Here's the scene....you have on one of the above swimwear or similar, you're on your way to a swim party but you forget something major...you need to run to the store to pick up this item....the store is in the mall or on a boutique strip, would you change or run in with your swimwear?


Anonymous said...

Tory Burch's swimwear collection is so classy and sophisticated! I love it. It just makes you wish you were on the beaches of south France. Can't wait til summer. In the great words of Will Smith..... "Summer, Summer, Summertime; time to sit back and unwind."

Anonymous said...

Ok, after giving it some thought...we will be the first to admit that wearing swimwear to the mall is a bit too much! I think blogger "Anonymous" from the previous post (on leather pants)may have a point.
The thought was fun while it lasted...CHEERS!

Anonymous said...

Well, FM, I mean you can run in and out of the mall w/some swimwear if you slip on a pair of jeans right quick on your bottom. (That goes for Beyonce too)

Keep a pair in your car for emergencies.

Luv the swimwear on the runway.

On another note, I appreciate not having to type in that stupid code all of the time. Thanks.

As always, keep your passion for that fabulous fashion.

Anonymous said...

I have to bite on Kellieb, the TB swimwear is both classy and sophisticated, I could not agrre more. Now to comment on making a quick dash into the mall with that on, I don't think so FM!!! And I'm sorry passion4fashion, I have to disagree with you on this one. A pair of spare jeans in the car you must be kidding me!!!! But the swimwear is hot!!!!

Anonymous said...

Shot out to Anonymous!!! I'm with u, I don't think I would walk around the mall with swimwear on. It's like wearing a sequins gown to a football game. Not going to work.
Blog w/ u later gang!!!

Anonymous said...

We thought you all would appreciate not having to enter the code anymore. CHEERS!

Anonymous said...

Kellib - you shoulda seen me at the Superbowl game in my sequined top. Good idea: Next time I just might go all the way - gown and all. (I'll do this when the Saints go to the superbowl.)

Anonymous said...

It’s FABULOUS’ and what a FABULOUS day it has been.

fashion martini sweetie, you rocked it with the swimwear.
Now, my take on the first swimwear, I HATED IT, but I’ll take that bag.

But the second one, I would wear the HELL out of that second one. To the mall, on a bus, riding a train, to the club (and you better hope I have something under it)… That’s just how FABULOUS I am, while y’all standing in the back, looking at my SEXY self…while saying, “no she didn’t, YES I DID”.

Now the third one is questionable. I would wear it somewhere, but just don’t know, can't think of no other place right now except for the beach.

And who was that talking about having extra stuff in the car, a pair of jeans? passion4fashion, sweet pea, FABULOUS doesn’t do EXTRA, OKAY!

fashion martini honey, I will be styling that second swim wear this summer, care to join me?

Oh, I’m just soooooo FABULOUS!

Anonymous said...

@ FABULOUS - all we can say is "you go girl!"

Anonymous said...

@Fabulous: Don't get it twisted; Fabulous might not do EXTRA, but, I keep me a pair and a spare. Neva know.... I stay ready. Got all kinds of sh*t in there.

P.S. I'm looking at your sexy self, but I'm NOT standing back, I'ma step to ya. Ya heeeard me? But u still my girl.

トリー バーチ(tory burch) said...

tory burchを知らない人はいま多分ありませんね。このブランド品はファッション世界に登場してから、まもなく世界中の人々にも愛用しています。デザイナーは大胆の元素をモノに入れて、今世紀の最高の女向けのモノを作成してくれます。また、種類も多く、その中で、もっとも好きになるのはトリーバーチ ハイヒールです。多くのハイヒールはウェッジのスタイルで、高いヒールでありながら、穿き心地も何よりも良いです。ショッピンへ行くときこのシューズを履いても、大丈夫です。すごくセンスが良いシューズです。